Cyberpunk 2077 – Megacorporations Explained! (Agricorps, Mediacorps, Computing & More!)
In today’s Cyberpunk 2077 and Cyberpunk lore video we are talking about the prolific megacorporations in Cyberpunk 2020 that may have a presence in Cyberpunk 2077. We will look at all the types of megacorporations and the corporations within these subsets.
In the world of Night City, Megacorps run the Cyberpunk landscape with an iron fist and are essentially judge jury and executioner. They are the kings within Cyberpunk and slaying a top tier corporate only means another unscrupulous individual, who is frothing at the mouth at the opportunity, will fill the void in the corporation.
The corporation power structure is set up so that the President and CEO are at the top and underneath them is a variety of mid to high level executives thirsty to climb up the corporate ladder.
At senior management and higher, corporates start to have true power and always travel with a heavy armed presence.
Next let’s look at the type of corporations there are, and the most prolific megacorps within that subset.
First we have Media-corporations. There are huge conglomerates that grew from a trend in the late 1980s where firms bought up all forms of media networks such as film companies, tv networks, book and magazine publishers to control the media and the narrative.
First up in our Mediacorps is network 54 news a 24 hour news service across the United States. No matter where you go within the States, it is always on channel 54. Despite it’s name it offers more than just raw news.
Next we have world news service, which is as you can imagine a news servide which keeps tabs on the world by any means possible.
Next we have Agricorps. IN the world of Cyberpunk the age of the family farm ended somewhere in the 1990s. With the United States being the world’s foremost producer of raw food stock, and the increased need for grain and crops to create fuel and plastic, agribusiness became incredibly powerful post-crash.
Petrochem is an agricorp focusing on petrochemical products and keeps the world running as the worlds largest producer of superfuel CHOOH2.
Soviet Oil world Industries known in the west as SovOil is a petrochemical corporation headquartered in the USSR.
They have a license to produce CHOOH2, although their product is inferior to Petrochems.
Next we have the Manufacturing corporations. There corporations were least affected by the collapse due to the capitalistic nature of the industry. Manufacturing ranges from vehicles to weapons, to even children’s toys.
First we have Militech which is a megacorporation specializing in weapons manufacturing of all kinds, and private military contracting.
Next we have Arasaka which deals in Corporate security, corporate policing and various corporate suboperations. Arasaka is one of the most powerful if not the most powerful corporations in the world of Cyberpunk.
EBM or Euro Business Machines is a megacorporation that specializes in the manufacturing of computer products, information tech and electronics.
Next we have IEC the world largest cybernetics developer. Now many megacorps in the world of Cyberpunk can trace their power and influence to some sort of speciality, but IEC is dominant in many areas.
Next up we have Computing corporations. With the emergence of the Net and the availability of advanced technology almost everything in the Cyberpunk world revolves around computing.
Zetatech in 2020 is an up and coming high-tech company focused on wetware, computer hardware and software designs.
Microtech is a megacorporation who produces ultra-sophisiticated mainframes and workstations and are proficient at building full-size computers.
Next we have Science corporations who produce and develop anything from bioware to cybernetics, to human clones, to crops and bio-fuels.
Biotechnica is the main Science corporation, who specializes in genetic engineering, microbiological and biochemical research.
Biotechnica had worldwide patents but could not keep up with worldwide demand and was forced to livense production to several large agricorps.
Next we have Armed Force corporations.
Lazarus is a megacorporation focused on contracting mercenaries and is lead by south American war veterans.
Finally we have the Service industries of 2020.
First we have Trauma Team one of the largest private medical firms in the world and provides ambulance services for a client base of at least 15 million people.
REO Meatwagon is Trauma Teams competitor, and provides a similar service.
Next we have Orbital Air which focuses on Cargo and passenger transport to Earths orbit and maintenance of commercial orbital facilityes.
Next we have Infocomp a corporate think-tank and group of information brokers.
Finally we have Merril Asukaga and Finch an exclusive investment and financial counselling firm. They are the top corporation dealing with investments of all kinds.