Cyberpunk 2077 – Is This OUR REAL Future?
Is a Cyberpunk 2077-like Future, Realistic? In today’s Cyberpunk 2077 we are talking about if OUR future will look like Cyberpunks, as well as some reasons why our real world is heading towards many of the things that Cyberpunk 2077 showcases.
Everything from Braindance to it’s real world comparison, to talking about a lesser known project Elon Musk is working on and it’s Cyberpunk 2077 comparison, to Orbital Air being a possibility for us, to real world Cybernetics, to modern day Cyberpsychosis, as well as real life megacorporations from the past and the future will be discussed in this video.
First let’s look into Cyberware. In 2077 Augmenting the human body with Cyberware is as fashionable as it is practical. In fact augmenting the human body is pretty common + natural in the universe that Cyberpunk 2077 lies in.
Now prosthetics are popular in 2077, but people mostly get them out of choice. In our world it’s largely due to the need for amputees to get some normalcy back into their lives, and prostheses main functions are replace missing hands and limbs which make everyday life easier.
However we are moving towards more of a 2077 like way of handling prosthetics. For example Deus Ex a popular Cyberpunk game partnered with Open Bionics to make 3D printed arm for this amputee.
Not only this, but MIT professor High Herr who lost his legs in an accident, has also created real life augmentations to not only replace functioning legs, but to make them much more useful and powerful than our biological ones.
RealSkinn a tough skin like covering for your shiny new cyberlimbs or subdermal armor in 2077 is also starting to become a thing today. Something called “Viper-Skin” is being developed to go over prosthetics to create a more natural looking limb, which can also sense heat changes through it’s membrane.
Now in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, most pieces of tech can be controlled using a brain computer interface called a Neural processor. A Neural router is planted into the bottom of the spine to route signals to different types of cyberware as well as Smart links to weapons and vehicles. In our modern day, Elon Musk is developing a real life Brain computer interface called a Neuralink. This piece of tech also known as a Neural mesh sits within the brain and allows us interact with all of our devices wirelessly with our minds.
Even the USB jack styled cybernetic that we use in the demo is relevant in our real world. A brain can actually be tapped into and read of its intentions using nothing more than futuristic probes.
Brainiacs a boostergang in the world of Night City pride themselves on using skill chips and downloading a variety of skills on the fly. This is a reality in the making with a potential to implant yourself with a brain chip and approach 200 IQ levels.
Let’s also not forget Braindance. Braindance is the sensory drug of the future and what we’ve referred to as VR on steroids in Cyberpunk 2077.
With people literally binging Netflix and with VR becoming a growing industry, Netflix has caught onto the craze and will be implementing VR in the future.
You find a way to involve all the human senses into Netflix and mix VR into the equation and you essentially have the same tools and escapist sentiment as what Braindance offers.
Next let’s take a look at Cyberpsychosis. Cyberpsychosis is a mental affliction in 2077, where if you augment yourself with too many cybernetics, you start to dissociate from your mind and find yourself feeling more machine and human. In our reality, we face a different type of Cyberpsychosis. Social Media and internet addiction.
People are actually getting mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety based on how much time they spend online, these constant comparisons, the wealth of knowledge at your finger-tips, the validation of likes and comments on social media and more. This is our modern day Cyberpsychosis.
In Cyberpunk 2077 combat drugs are largely used by Military puppets and veteran solos as a means to becoming a super human or solider.
Militaries largely use psychoactive drugs with their soldiers to allow them to suppress hunger, sustain effort without food, suppression of fear, reduction of empathy, improving reflexes and more.
Reflex boosters and combat drugs allow the body to feel like time has slowed, and some modern day military drugs have the same effect, especially ones with adrenal responses.
Finally we have Cyberpunk 2077s megacorporations, comparisons to how corporations do business today, and the average human in the future.
The likes of Militech and Arasaka have become such big corporations in the world of 2077 that they supersede governments and Nations.
In our history we have had megacorporations like Hanseatic League and the East India Company who have dominated for hundreds of years in the case of Hanseatic League and made trillions in the case of East India Company.